School Site Council
What is the School Site Council?
School Site Council (SSC) is a mandated advisory body created by the federal government to support students who are most at risk. The SSC is a school-community representative body made up of the Principal, Teachers, Other School Personnel, Parents, Community Members and Students. All schools that receive federal or state categorical funding are required to have a School Site Council to give input and help decide how to spend categorical funds. We are making an effort to recruit and engage parents from traditionally historically underserved populations identified in our School Site Council Bylaws and identified by the District and those targeted by LCFF legislation (OUSD LCAP Website), specifically parents of…
- Foster Youth
- English Learners
- Students with Disabilities
- African American
- Latino
- those eligible for free and reduced lunch
We are committed to working relentlessly and unapologetically to become an anti-racist and equity-driven school system. This means that we center our decision-making, resources and instruction to address the needs and lift up the assets of our most marginalized students and families.
OUSD Equity Goals:
- Eliminate the correlation between social and cultural factors and probability of success
- Examine biases, interrupt & eliminate inequitable practices, and create inclusive & just conditions for all students
- Discover and cultivate the unique gifts, talents, and interests that every student possesses.
During our SSC Meetings we will review the OUSD Racial Equity and Healing Task Force Focus of Study:
- Bias, Trauma & Relationships
- Culturally Responsive Practices
- Anti-racist Educator Practices
- Equitable Family & Student Engagement
- Healing Centered Restorative Justice
- History & White Supremacy
The SSC is the decision-making body for:
- The budget (local, state and federal)
- Instructional program
- Curriculum in all areas
- Developing and overseeing the implementation of the School Site Plan
- Works with other school based Advisory groups
- Reviewing and approving all programs that affect the instructional goals
- Working in collaboration with other school organizations, including PTA and the Dads Club
How do I know what the SSC is doing?
- The SSC meets on a monthly basis and is open to any interested person
- Meeting agendas are published in the weekly communication and are available online
- Minutes from each SSC meeting are posted on the bulletin board in the PTA Room across from the school office
How do I join the SSC?
- This SSC offers an excellent opportunity for parents, community members, and school staff and administration to work together and plan for the achievement of all students with a mandate to focus on our LCFF target populations.
- Any interested person may attend and participate in scheduled SSC meetings and discussions
- There are ten elected voting members - if you are interested in being a member, join via Konstella committees, or contact Principal Bagby-Ellison
- SSC elections are held at the first meeting of the new school year
- Members serve a two-year term